At Lime Tree Primary School we adopt an engaging and accessible mastery approach to our teaching of mathematics to ensure every child can achieve excellence.
This approach to the curriculum encourages learners to achieve a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, rather than learning procedures by rote. All children are taught the same mathematical concepts, with no differentiation by acceleration to new content. The learning needs of individual pupils are addressed through careful scaffolding, skilful questioning and appropriate rapid intervention, in order to provide the necessary support and challenge.
Central to this approach is the concrete – pictorial – abstract process. Children are encouraged to begin physically represent mathematical concepts with objects. Pictorial representations are then used to demonstrate and visualise strategies, before moving on to more abstract formal numerical methods.
Visual representations and concrete manipulatives enable all pupils to make deep connections between mathematical concepts and understanding the abstract ideas.
Key features of our maths curriculum:
- High expectations for every child
- Fewer topics, taught for longer, in greater depth
- Concrete objects and pictures always before abstract numbers
- Challenge is central through problem solving, reasoning and explaining
- Resilient individuals who persevere and learn from mistakes
- Clear modelling from all adults
- Rapid recall of key number facts
- Precise mathematical language is taught and used by all
GLF Schools - Maths Guide for Parents (Needs to uploaded to youtube mp4 is and invalid file)
“The expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. However, decisions about when to progress should also be based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage of their learning. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration onto new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding including through additional practice before moving on.” (National Curriculum 2014)
KS1 Factual Fluency (Addition and Subtraction) Video
KS2 Factual Fluency (Multiplication and Division) Video
KS1 Factual Fluency (Addition and Subtraction)
KS2 Factual Fluency (Multiplication and Division)
Parental Engagement - Division
Addition Parent Workshop Presetation
Subtraction Parent Workshop Presentation
Multiplication & Division Parent Workshop Presentation